Blogging as Career is a buzz word now a days. Every one is writing some blog and trying to make some money or fame out of it. I have seen so many people has became a full time blogger and making good from it as well.
I am also a part time blogger writing a Technical blog Before starting my blog I had a question in my mind Why I should choose blogging as an Alternate Career option ?
Here, I will list the reasons, which convince me to choose writing blog as an alternate Career option.
1. No Investment No fear of Loos: You want to start a business small or big you have to invest some money into it according to size of business. Suppose you want to start a small Pizza Shop, Even for that you have to invest money in renting out a shop and purchasing equipments and chef etc and more over you have to keep on investing to maintain all these things.
Now Let's talk about a blog in contrast to that, A blogger can start a blog even without spending a single penny using or It will take minutes to start a new blog which is absolutely free. As you are not investing anything any maintenance is also not required So you can sustain in this business for longer period of time. Since the main reason for people to quit business is funds.
Though only starting a blog doesn't means you will staring earning from it you must have some good ideas or knowledge to share with readers and once you have good following blogger can use adsense, affiliate marketing etc to earn money.
2. Global Audiences: If you want to take your business to the world then internet is the best option for it. While in traditional way of business it is very difficult to achieve this, but in blogging Since first day you have global audiences.
I have seen few blogs which are famous in few countries while the blog writer is living in another country. In my case, my technical blog is famous in USA, India and UK as these three countries are technology driven, but I also have audiences from other countries as well. It gives a very good feeling when you see, Article or post written by you is helping someone on another side of the world.
So, with the help of internet you have unlimited customer base, Now depends on blogger how many readers or in traditional words customer he can catch or retain.
3. No Time Constraints: I am a full time employee and has to take case family as well, So some how used to spend 2 to 3 hrs on blogging post per day, sometimes I miss this due to some other priority tasks. Now consider, Is it possible for a full time employee like me and you to do a business ?
If some how you start a business, How much time do you expect to spend on that ? Initially you can manage for few days as you have high spirit to do so but slowly-2 it will come down and so your business.
But In blogging, you are not answerable to anyone so blogger can choose his time and work accordingly. I used to work 2 to 3 hrs daily but when I don't have mood to do so, I don't do it.
4. Keep You Passion Alive: There are so many people around us those who are passionate about something but doing something else. Few of my friends are good at singing other are crazy about cars etc. They want to know more and share about their passion with each other, So blog is a good platform to do so. You can write about your passion on blog and share with same kind of people. In this way a blogger can make a good network of same kind of people.
For me to choose blogging a an option is to have something exited to do in life. When you are in a job you have to do repeated tasks or life became monotonous. So I used to blog to keep me exited.
Every body has his own way to living life, You can start blogging for some other reasons. Share with me why do you want to do blogging ?
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